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To A Snowflake


A poem by Francis Thompson

Saturday 3 March 2018 by Ad Taylor-Weekes


What heart could have thought you? –

Past our devisal

(O filigree petal!)

Fashioned so purely,

Fragilely, surely,

From what Paradisal

Imagineless metal,

Too costly for cost?

Who hammered you, wrought you,

From argentine vapour? –

“God was my shaper.

Passing surmisal,

He hammered, He wrought me,

From curled silver vapour,

To lust of His mind: -

Thou couldst not have thought me!

So purely, so palely,

Tinily, surely,

Mightily, frailly,

Inscupled and embossed,

With His hammer of wind,

And His graver of frost.”

About the author

Ad Taylor-Weekes

Ad Taylor-Weekes

Ad works most-time for Emmanuel Bath as the Pastor. The rest of the time he is a music leader and a guitar teacher both privately and in a school in Wiltshire. He's husband to Jane and father to four lively children. He grew up in Bath and studied at the Cornhill Training Course from 2003-2005.

Seeking to let God's Word speak and shape

Emmanuel Church Bath

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