If you are a Christian moving to Bath this September, be ready for big challenges and exciting opportunities ahead!
Whether you are coming to the University of Bath, Bath Spa University or to Norland College, we would love to equip, encourage and pray for you as a part of our church family as you seek to make the most of these unique opportunities God has given you.
Students at Emmanuel are encouraged to be a part of our church family through our Sunday meetings and lunch times spent together.
Additionally, students are provided with:
- Student Bible Study every Tuesday evening where students meet together with leaders in a home for food, bible study and prayer together.
- One-to-one Bible studies for each student with an older member of our church.
- Training events on specific areas of Bible doctrine, understanding the Bible and relevant issues facing students today.
For help getting to Emmanuel events from Campus, check out our Travel Guide.
If you would like more information about student life at Emmanuel, contact Tom Underhill via tom@emmanuelbath.org
Take a look at our video below to find out what student life at Emmanuel is like...
Seeking to let God's Word speak and shape
Emmanuel Church Bath
Find out more
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Come find us on Sunday!
We meet together every Sunday morning, in person at St Greg's College.
We'd love to have you with us!